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X-ray and Electron Structure Analysis of Biomolecules and Macromolecules

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The relation of structure and properties (structure and biological activity) and the significance of this relation for prediction of properties in the development of new materials.�

Fundamentals of structural crystallography; Description of 3D periodic crystal structures: cell selection, grid types, point and space group symmetry operations; reciprocal lattice and its properties. Reciprocal lattice and diffraction pattern. Visualization of crystal structures and demonstration of effects of space group symmetry operation using Materials Studio.�

X-ray diffraction. radiation on crystal structures; Diffractive condition in direct and reciprocal space; Methods of application of diffraction conditions and basic types of diffraction experiments; Influence of symmetry of the structure and type of crystal lattice on the shape of diffractogram peaks, Friedel law, extinction conditions. Demonstration of the effect of symmetry of structures and grid type on the shape of diffractograms in powder and monocrystalline samples using Materials Studio.�

Diffraction of neutrons, electrons and synchrotron radiation, physical nature and consequent possibilities for use in structural analysis.�

Physical foundations and principles of electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, material analysis of the specimens by energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy, sample preparation.�

Physical bases of X-ray diffraction: From diffraction on atoms to diffraction on 3D periodic structures, structure factor; Intensity of diffracted radiation; Electronic density and structure factor; Phase problem of structural analysis and methods of its solution, Patterson function, statistical methods in solving phase problem.�

Real crystal diffraction: Influence of temperature vibrations on diffraction image, diffraction on partially disordered structures; types of crystal defects and their effects on diffractograms; diffraction on amorphous substances - radial distribution functions and their interpretation. Preferred orientation of crystals - texture in natural and synthetic polymeric fibres.�


Fundamentals of structural crystallography and physical basis of diffraction and electron structure analysis for crystalline, partially ordered and amorphous substances, with an emphasis on the relationship between structure and properties. Focused on applications of structural analysis methods in biophysics, macromolecular physics, chemical physics and crystallochemistry.