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Chemistry for Physicists I - Inorganic Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Subject of chemistry. The foundations of chemistry. Empirical chemical laws, atomic hypothesis. Chemical elements. Atoms and molecules. Measurements in chemistry - mole, molar weight and molar volume.

2. The electronic structure of atoms and the chemical bond theory. Electronic structure of atoms, quantum numbers, spectral terms. Periodic law of elements. Electronegativity. Kinds of chemical bonds. Covalent, ionic and coordination bond. Hybridization. Van der Waals and hydrogen bond. Valence, oxidation number, formal and effective charge.

3. Chemical structure and physical properties of inorganic compounds. Experimental methods for determination of molar weight. Stoichiometric and structural formulae. Mesomerism, isomerism. Experimental methods for determination molecular structure.

4. Chemical reactions. Classification of chemical reactions, chemical equations. Elementary concepts of chemical thermodynamic. Chemical equilibrium. Oxidation-reduction reactions, acid-base reactions. Chemical kinetics.

5. Structure of crystalline compounds. Space lattice and unit cell. Basic crystal structures. Symmetry, point and space groups. Allotropy, polymorphism, isomorphism.

6. Geochemistry and abundance of elements in nature.

7. Hydrogen and its compounds.

8. The alkali metals and the alkaline earth metals, the carbon and nitrogen group, the halogens and the noble gases.

9. The transition metals. Generalizations of periodic trends in physical properties. Complex compounds, crystal and ligand field theory.

10. Chemical technology of basic microelectronic and optoelectronic materials. From silicon to integrated circuits. Optoelectronic materials - GaAs, GaN and other III-V semiconductors.


Empirical laws of chemistry. Electronic structure and periodical law of elements.

The chemical bond. Chemical structure and physical properties.

Chemical reactions. Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics.

Chemistry of selected groups of elements, general relationships between elements. Chemical technology of basic microelectronic and optoelectronic materials.