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Advanced methods of optical spectroscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Advanced imaging methods (FLIM, polarized and spectral FLIM, spectral imaging).

Time-resolved frequency domain fluorescence spectroscopy, FCS.

Fluorescence, confocal, multiphoton and supercompression microscopy.

Nonlinear methods of Raman scattering (HRS, SRS, CARS), Raman optical activity (ROA).

Advanced techniques of Raman spectroscopy (SERS, CRM, DCDR).

Generation and characterization of femtosecond pulses.

Fundamentals of 2DES spectroscopy.

Nonlinear optical phenomena and their use in optical spectroscopy (parametric generation, generation of higher harmonics, Kerr and Pockels effect.

High spectral resolution methods. Low temperature spectroscopy.

Relaxation processes, transverse and longitudinal relaxation time, homogeneous width and lifetime, spectra in a solid matrix.


Advanced methods and instrumentation of optical spectroscopy used in biophysics and chemical physics.