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Introduction to Quantum Theory for Experimental Physicists in PhD Study

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Mathematical introduction

2. Axioms of quantum theory, measurement of quantum systems.

3. Simple systems: potential well, barrier, tunneling effect.

4. Linear harmonic oscillator (LHO), entangled LHO and its application in IR spectroscopy.

5. Rigid rotor.

6. Angular momentum, spin.

7. Multiparticle systems, single particle approach.

8. Approximate methods, probability of transition induced by external perturbation and creation of spectral line.

9. Hydrogen atom and its spectrum, multi electron atoms.

10. Chemical bonding, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, outline of basic equations of quantum chemistry.

11. Periodical potential, band structure of solids.


The course is intended primarily for PhD students who have not studied quantum theory at MFF, have an experimental

PhD thesis focused on molecules or nanotechnology and quantum theory is not essential part of their work.

For theoretically oriented students (e.g. who perform quantum chemistry calculations) this lecture does not replace more thorough lectures on quantum theory, quantum chemistry etc. but is the simplest introduction to them.

Some exercises and parts of the lecture could be tailored according to interest of students or topic of their PhD thesis.