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Experimental Methods in Condensed Systems Physics II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Determination of the swelling degree and crosslink density of polymer networks. Determination of molecular mass and its distribution in linear polymers.

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in broad range of temperatures and rates of temperature sweep. Thermally stimulated polarisation and depolarisation, electrical properties of macromolecules.

Dynamic-mechanical and dielectric spectroscopy in broad temperature and frequency range. Photoelasticity - simultaneous measurement of mechanical behaviour and deformation birefringence.

FTIR spectroscopy in broad temperature range, NMR spectroscopy. Optical spectra measurements - fluorescence, phosphorescence, time-resolved spectroscopy.

Light and X-ray scattering.


Lecture presents basic experimental methods used to determination of structure and physical properties of high-molecular weight materials and polymer networks. Demonstrative experiments.