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Selected Topics on Infrared Spectroscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Molecular vibrations and methods of their study. Infrared absorption spectroscopy. Raman spectroscopy. Internal coordinates, normal vibration modes, characteristic vibrations. Absorption spectroscopy, Lambert-Beer law. Absorption spectra in the infrared region, selection rules, symmetry. Basis of the interpretation of the spectra. Vibration spectra of the samples in various states. Applications of the infrared spectroscopy.

Principles of the FTIR spectrometer, Michelson interferometer. Interferogram, appodization, resolution and range of the FTIR spectrometer. Sources and detectors in the FTIR spectrometer. Advantages of the FTIR spectrometer in comparison with dispersive spectrometers.

Experimental techniques in the FTIR spectroscopy. Optical materials. Transmission techniques: pellets with KBr, suspensions in Nujol, thin films. Reflection techniques: specular reflection (SR), diffusion reflection (DRIFTS), attenuated total reflection (ATR). Physical basis of the reflection methods.

Methods of the evaluation of the FTIR spectra.


The lecture introduces the fundaments of vibration spectroscopy and follows with the lecture "Experimental methods of the Physics of condensed state parts I and II".Basis of vibration spectroscopy. Principles of FTIR spectrometer.

Experimental techniques of the FTIR spectroscopy (thin layers, surfaces, polymers, gels, viscous materials, resins, clays and powders). Principles and applications of the reflection techniques (ATR, SR and DRIFTS). The basis of the evaluation of the spectra.