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Introduction to Biorheology

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Introduction:

The question "What is rheology?" will be simply answered. Rheology will be introduced as a general theory of relations between tension, deformation and rate of deformation in real materials. It comes out from the elasticity theory of solids and from the theory of viscous liquids. The straight line between solids and liquids is made vague in rheology what is expressed in the Greek slogan "panta rei" This slogan "panta rei - all flows" is reflected in the name "Rheology" of the new discipline.

* Main quantities

The expressions tension, deformation and rate of deformation will be thoroughly studied and their tensor character will be emphasized. The division of deformation on bulk and shape will be established and the fact that materials differ mainly in the shape deformation will be shown.

* Rheological classification of materials

The main categories of materials will be given: Hook`s (classical elastic) material, Newton`s and non-Newton`s viscous liquids, viscoelastic materials, plastic materials. The graphic models of these materials will be introduced. It will be also shown how more complex rheological materials may be described by combination of these simple models.


The main parts of rheology will be taught. Special attention will be devoted to thorough description of the basic terms: tension, deformation, and deformation velocity.

The rheological classification of bodies will be made. Hookonian body, Newtonian and non- Newtonian viscous body, viscoelaestic body and some more complicated rheological bodies together with their models will be introduced.

Lecture is open also to students with less mathematical background, e.g. to studentas of biology or medicine.