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Fundamentals of Computer Physics I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Basics of computational physics

Characterisation of computer technique computer and microcomputer architecture, programming languages, operating systems, structural programming.

Main directions of computational physics

Computer modelling

Molecular dynamics method ? principle, difference equations, errors, implementation of many body algorithms.

Introduction to the theory of probability

Monte Carlo method ? principle, generation of random numbers, transformation of random numbers, application of Monte Carlo method in physics.

Fluid modelling

Hybrid modelling ? principle, application in physical electronics.

Computer graphics and visualisation basic algorithms, applications.

Image processing low-level image processing, image analysis.

Integral transforms fast Fourier transform and its application in physics.


Main directions of computational physics. Hardware and software basis of computational physics.

Computer modelling, computer graphics, image processing, integral transforms. Basic numerical methods.

Introduction to mathematical statistics and theory of probability.