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Game User Experience

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Theoretical introduction to Game User Experience

Basic concepts and methodology of Game User Research

What is the fun and how to measure it?

Attitudes, attitude change and computer Games - case study

Computer games and learning outcomes, what do we know so far?

Tools for Game User Research and their application

Procedures of data collection and its interpretation

Practical application of the knowledge on the real-life examples and own project


Game user experience (GUX) and Game User Research (GUR) are a core part of contemporary game development. They are focusing on players, their psychology and behaviours. As an academic discipline GUX and

GUR aim to understand player's motivation, predict and interpret their actions and also understand the ways how to collect and interpret player's data in order to make a better game design decisions. The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and tools used in this field and demonstrate their applicability in practice.