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Customer preferences

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Modeling customer preferences and querying with preferences

Introduction, motivation, challenges and use cases of customer preferences,

Lean startup model,

LMPM - Linear Monotone Preference Model, uniqueness of LMPM representation.

Top-k algorithms - querying/searching with preferences

Fagin’s monotone model of customer preferences and algorithms for computing top-k.

Theoretical optimality of threshold algorithm and practical experiments, a multi-customer model

Learning customer preferences

Problem of learning (acquisition) of customer preference

Learning customer preferences

Various metrics for evaluation the quality of models

Formal framework for transferability of preference models, connections to economical and optimization models

Mathematical Fuzzy Datalog - Preferential Datalog

Preferential logic as a language for modeling of preferences, many valued modus pones and its correctness

Procedural and declarative semantics of preferential Datalog without negation and with recursion, correctness

Fixpoint for preferential Datalog and computability of the minimal model

Theorem on approximate completeness of preferential Datalog


We are interested in the process which governs customer’s interface action and system response of an e-shop.

We learn: to create and evaluate customer preference models based on some business models; to effectively find top-k answers; a domain calculi for these.

Labs are composed of reporting on current achievements, preference learning, a project of a virtual Lean Startup and customer imitation via a social network.