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Database Systems

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- Basic concepts. Motivation and history of database technology. External, conceptual, logical and internal (indices, B-trees) database schema.

- Conceptual modelling - ER model, ER diagram, relevant part of UML model - other constructs of conceptual models.

- Relational data model. Database schema, admissible databases. Transformation of ER diagram to relational database schema.

- SQL - queries

- SQL - data definition and modification, views

- Embedded SQL (stored procedures, functions and triggers)

- Query formalisms for relational model - relational algebra

- Query formalisms for relational model - relational calculus

- Database design - criteria of good design of a relation, especially the 3rd normal form.

- Database design - methods and algorithms of database schema design, properties of schemas (dependency covering and decomposition losslessness).

- Transaction management - parallelism, error recovery.

- Database structures implementation


An introductory course presenting a survey of the field. It covers database system architectures and the three levels of database schemata.

Conceptual modelling is based on the ER and UML model. Theory of the relational data model is studied in detail (relational algebra and calculus, principles of the SQL, algorithms of relational database schema design, normal forms).

Transactions, parallel DB management. Implementation of typical database structures.