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Physics Teaching Practice I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The first practice has particularly an observational character. This includes:

• participation in the introductory seminar focused among other things on the possibility of observing lessons and familiarization with the observational recording sheets

• practice at the faculty teacher where the student observes his lessons, keeps records of classroom observation and assists the teacher (assistant activities include for example checking of homeworks or other written tasks of students, help with preparation of physical experiments or with performance of the experiments in the classroom, preparation of experimental tools for practicum, etc)

• teaching two to three own lessons with subsequent analysis

• participation in the final seminar including discussion concerning the practice


Continuous introductory teaching practice in which the student spends during semester one day a week at the secondary school under the supervision of faculty teacher. Observes faculty physics teachers lessons, assists in his lessons and teaches two to three own lessons with subsequent analysis.

Practice is included in the winter semester. Teaching practice is complemented with the subject Psychological and educational reflection of teaching practice - NPED044.