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Introduction to Plasma Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Physical basis Plasma on Earth, atmosphere and in space. Characteristics of plasma state of matter. Characteristic plasma parameters (degree of ionization, temperature and distribution function in plasmas, Debye screening length, plasma frequency). Methods of plasma state creation (creation of plasma by heating, by radiation, by electric current). Discharges (Glow, Arc, Corona, and Spark discharge). *

2. Application of plasma for energy conversion Conversion of thermal to electric energy (principle of MHD-generator). Conversion of nuclear into thermal energy (and consequently in electricity). Fundamental notions - thermonuclear reaction (fusion). Conception of fusion reactor (with magnetic confinement - tokamak, with inertial confinement). *

3. Plasma as source of radiation Plasma-based light sources. Low-pressure light sources (fluorescent lamp, Sodium low-pressure discharge tubes, Neon-tubes (advertisements). High-pressure light sources, classification, principle of construction, operation. Plasma displays. *

4. Application of plasma in industry Plasma-aided treatment of materials (plasma-aided cutting, welding, and melting, plasma spraying). Refinement of material surfaces (thin layer creation in plasma, plasma etching). Ion and plasma thrusters.


Physical basics, parameters characterizing the plasma state of matter. Methods of plasma creation. Plasma as energy converter (MHD generators, fusion reactors). Plasma as electrical conductor (plasma switches).

Applications of plasma as source of radiation (light sources, gas discharge lasers, plasma display panels).

Methods of exploitation of plasmas for material processing (plasma-welding, -cutting, -spraying). Plasma-aided methods of material surface treatment (thin film deposition, dry etching). Ion and plasma thrusters.