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Physics of Thin Films

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Basic processes at deposition Adsorption. Adatom movement in a surface potential- surface diffusion. Interaction of adatoms and clusters. The role of steps, defects and dopants. *

2. Nucleation and thin film growth theory Modes and phases of thin film growth. Steady state nucleation theory. Atomistic model. Kinetic equation of the growth. Thin film growth simulations. Kinetic versus thermodynamic. *

3. Influence of parameters on the thin film growth Amorphous, polycrystallic a epitaxial films. The role of the stress - Stranski-Krastanov growth. The role of the kinetic (2Dx3D growth, critical island radius, steps, Ehrlich-Schvoebel barrier, step-flow growth). *

4. Properties of thin films Electrical, mechanical, magnetic and optical properties. Thin film applications. *

5. Nanostructures Properties of low-dimensional systems. Preparation of nanostructures. Selforganized growth of nanostructures.


Interaction and migration of atoms on the surface. Growth types and phases of thin film growth.

Steady stae theory of nucleation of thin films. Kinetics versus termodynamics.

Rate equations of thin film growth. Critical island diameter for growth of the next layer. 2D-3D transition.

Computer simulations of thin film growth. Growth on atomic terraces. Epitaxial growth - Stranski-Krastanov growth.

Properties of thin film structures - electrical, magnetic, optical and mechanical. Application of thin films -examples.

Low-dimensional structures.