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Electronics for Physicists

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Fundamentals of circuit analysis Basic principles of electronic circuits, Ohm's law; analysis of networks with resistors, capacitors, inductances and voltage and current sources. Vector and complex-number representation. Kirchhoff's laws, network analysis by circulation currents and mode voltages, super-position theorem, Norton's theorem, Thevenin's theorem. Equivalence of real voltage and current sources. *

2. Operational amplifiers Basic applications of ideal operational amplifiers (inverting and non-inverting amplifier, summation and integration of analog signals). Real operational amplifier (bias input current, slew rate, frequency and phase characteristics). Stability criteria, back-loop effect. Comparators, Schmidt triggers. *

3. Principles of semiconductor elements Physical principles of diodes, bi-polar and uni-polar transistors, and other semiconductor elements. Characteristics of diodes and their applications (rectifiers, filters, switching circuits). *

4. Amplifiers, feed-back loop Working point, working line, common base, emitter and collector circuits. Single-stage and multi-stage amplifiers, inter-stage coupling, frequency response. Amplifier classifications (broad-band, selective, AC, DC, impulse, power amplifiers). Feed-back loop in amplifiers, its influence on amplifier characteristics. *

5. Analog control and regulation Principles, P, PI, PID regulators. Linear and switching voltage stabilizers. DC-DC converters, HV converters. *

6. Optoelectronic elements and their application Photoresistor, photodiode, phototransistor - functional principles, examples of applications. LED diodes, opto-couplers, examples of analog circuits with optical coupling. *

7. Signal generators Harmonic generators with LC and RC circuits, crystal controlled oscillators. Generators of non-harmonic signals (triangle, saw-tooth, square wave), flip-flop triggers. *

8. Modulation and signal mixing Modulation classification (amplitude, frequency, phase). Demodulation. Analog radio and TV broadcasting.


Basic principles of electronic circuits. DC and AC linear circuits, operational amplifiers, semiconductor components and their characteristics, amplifiers with back loops.

Optoelectronic components and their applications, signal generators, analog control and regulation circuits.