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Hot Plasma, Fusion

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. High-temperature plasma Magnetohydrodynamic approach: Ohm's law and its consequences. Stationary state - pinch effect, diffusion. Magnetohydrodynamical instabilities. Fusion: basic thermonuclear reactions, collisional and reactive cross-sections. Energy balance, ignition and Lawson criterion. Methods of confinement: confinement by a magnetic field, inertial systems. *

2. Fusion systems Z-pinch, Tokamak, Stellarator. Plasma heating: ohmic heating, high-frequency heating, neutral-beam injection. Working modes of tokamak. Problems of stability. *

3. Hot plasma diagnostics Probes, spectroscopy, corpuscular methods. Measurement of temperature and number density. Interaction of plasma with surfaces, processes in divertor region. *

4. Status of important projects in the field COMPASS-D, ITER, NIF and others. Actual problems.


The lecture covers the topic of high temperature plasma, fusion and corresponding diagnostic methods. High- temperature plasma: description, parameters, stability. Conductivity of highly ionized plasma. Fusion: fusion reactions, power balance, ignition, Lawson criterion. Confinement: magnetic confinement, inertial confinement.

Fusion systems: Z-pinch, Tokamak, Stellarator. Plasma heating. Plasma instabilities. Hot plasma diagnostics: probes, spectroscopy, corpuscular methods. Plasma surface interactions. Current projects: COMPASS-D, ITER,