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Surface Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Ideal and real surface of solid state, preparation of clean surfaces, electronegativity.

2. Work function. Theory, experiments, meaning of work function.

3. Influence of heat. Thermionic emission.

4. Influence of electric field. Field emission and field - stimulated ionisation.

5. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation. Photoelectron emission.

6. Incidence of surface with electrons. Secondary electron - electron emission, elastic reflection and diffraction of electrons, non - elastic interaction of electrons.

7. Interaction of ions and neutrals with surface. Ion - electron and ion - ion emission.

8. Gas molecules - surface interaction, adsorption.

9. Main principles of basic surface research methods.


The course of Surface Physics comprises physical properties of solid surfaces, their geometrical and electron structure. Work function of solid surfaces, the phenomena occurring under irradia-tion of surfaces, electron and ion impact and the influence of electric field and high temperature on surfaces are thoroughly treated and explained.

A brief survey of secondary emission mecha-nisms as well as analytical methods based on these phenomena is also given.