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Selected Topics on Physical Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Molecular structure Chemical bond(ionic, covalent), orbital hybridization. Theories of molecular orbitals (LCAO, Hückel method, bond order, length and energy). Structure of clusters. *

2. Determination of molecular structure Rotational and vibrational spectra. Franck-Condon principle. Cluster formation and dissociation, ionisation of clusters. Fluorescence, phosphorescence. Methods for determination of molecular spectra. *

3. Chemical reaction, reaction kinetics and dynamics Reaction cross section, reaction rate, rate coefficient, dependence on temperature, pressure. Direction of a reaction, equilibrium, equilibrium constants, catalysis, Le Chatelier’s principle. *

4. Experimental techniques Particle beams with low kinetic and internal energy - production, analysis and detection. Preparation of species in specific quantum state, Laser excitation and ionisation, multi-step excitation and ionisation, REMPI. Electron spin resonance, nuclear magnetic resonance. Collisional processes at cryogenic temperatures (collisional radiative recombination etc.).


The course introduces selected topics on physical chemistry with focus on a gas phase.