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Adsorption on Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Basic terms: adsorption, adsorbate, adsorption sites, monolayer, exposure, homogeneous and heterogeneous surfaces. Theory of physisorption and chemisorption, potential energy of interaction between particles and surfaces (1D and 3D model), Lennard-Jones potential, Morse potential, energy of activation.

2. Adsorption and desorption kinetics, Langmuir kinetics.

3. Adsorption equilibrium and its models, BET isotherm, hysteresis. Pores, capillary condensation, potential theory of adsorption - DKR isotherm.

4. Adsorption dynamics, elastic and inelastic interaction with solid surface, energy exchange, coefficient of accommodation and condensation, sticking probability, surface diffusion, precursor state.

5. Solid surface, surface crystallographic structure, surface plane stability, Wulff theorem, reconstruction, relaxation, metal-substrate interaction.

6. Catalysis, reaction mechanism, reaction kinetics and dynamics, activity and selectivity of catalysts. Heterogeneous catalysts - active phase, supports, applications.

7. Basic experimental methods of surface process study.


Interaction of gases with metals, theory of physical adsorption and chemisorption. Kinetics and dynamics of adsorption and desorption.

Adsorption isotherms. Characterization of solid surfaces.

Experimental methods of surface processes study, basic principles and theory of heterogeneous catalysis.