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Surface Structure and Electron Diffraction

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Structure of solids, basic of crystallography History, classical definition of crystal, symmetry of crystals, symmetry operations, basic crystallographic terms, stereographical projection, point groups, crystal lattices, Miller indices, basic types of crystal structures. *

2. Electron diffraction Geometrical theory of diffraction, kinematical theory of diffraction, structure factor, reciprocal lattice, Ewald construction, dynamic theory, structure determination, profile analysis. *

3. Methods LEED - Low-Energy Electron Diffraction, RHEED - Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction, TEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy, XPD - Photoelectron Diffraction. *

4. Aplication of electron diffraction in surface science and thin film physics Island structures and nanostructures, model catalysts and sensors, thin films.


Structure of solids, basics of crystallography, elements of symmetry, surface and bulk crystal lattices, crystal systems, Miller indices. Theory of electron diffraction, geometrical and structure factor, reciprocal lattice, Ewald's construction, evaluation of diffraction patterns.

Transmission electron microscopy and diffraction, LEED, RHEED, XPD. Application of electron diffraction in thin film physics.