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Physical Electronics of Surfaces

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1) Geometric structure and purity of solid state. Influence to electronics structure.

2) Distinctions on surface of solid state, their importance to interaction of solid state with surroundings. Surface states.

3) Work function, its influence to interaction of two solid states surfaces.

4) Influence of work function to emission of electrons to vacuum.

5) Concertation of electrons in solid state, theory of Sommerfeld and how to use it for conductivity of semiconductors and electron emission, limits of this theory. Fermi energy and electrochemical potential.

6) Conductivity of metals.

7) Conductivity of semiconductors, dependence on temperature, mobility of electrons.

8) Contact of two surfaces: metal - metal, metal - semiconductor, two semiconductors (PN junction).

9) Current conduction in contacts and PN junction.


Geometric structure and purity of solid state, its influence to electronic structure. Surface and bulk of solid states - distinctions.

Work function and electronic interaction of solid state with neighbourhood - electron emission, effects on contacts and PN junctions. Conductivity of metals and semiconductors, current conduction in contacts and PN junctions.