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Nanomaterials and Their Properties

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Introduction to the issue of nanomaterials / nanoobjects, historical overview Surface energy, mechanisms of surface energy reduction Chemical potential, Young-Laplac equation Agglomeration of nanoparticles, stabilization of nanoparticles Methods of preparation of nanomaterials, top-down and bottom-up approach Homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation

Stress in nanoparticles / thin films and its use Overview of mechanical properties of nanomaterials, melting point, deformation Overview of optical properties of nanomaterials, plasmonic nanoparticles, quantum dots

Overview of electrical and magnetic properties of nanomaterials, electrical conductivity in nanomaterials


The series of lectures provides a brief introduction to the field of nanomaterials, introduces the methods of their preparation and describes the basic mechanisms that dominate such small structures. Lectures contain an overview of selected mechanical, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of nanomaterials, together with examples of their application potential.