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Physical Processes in Solar System

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Fundamental processes in magnetized plasma Introduction to physics of magnetized plasmas. Frozen-in magnetic field, diffusion of the magnetic field. Consequences and limits of MHD approximation, magnetic reconnection. Wave processes in plasmas, basic wave modes (Alfvén waves, magnetosonic waves), non-linear effects (shocks, solutions). *

2. Sun and solar wind Sun as a source of mass and energy in the space, energetic particles of solar and galactic origin. Solar wind (history and recent theories), interplanetary magnetic field (formation and propagation). Significant instabilities in the solar wind, theory evolution and propagation, magnetic clouds, numerical simulations. *

3. Solar wind interactions with Earth' magnetic field and bow shock processes Shock wave in collisionless plasma, bow shock, interplanetary shock, acceleration of charged particles on the bow shock. Relationship of solar wind ? magnetospheric-ionosphere. Processes at the magnetopause and at the magnetosheath, plasma penetration to the magnetosphere (FTE, PTE, FAC, kasp). Motion of magnetospheric boundaries. Phenomenological magnetospheric model, fundamental processes. *

4. Mapping of magnetospheric structures into polar regions and the inner magnetosphere Ionosphere, plasmasphere, electric fields and magnetospheric convection, ring current, low-latitude boundary layer, plasma mantle, plasma sheet, plasma sheet boundary layer, magnetospheric lobes. Transport and acceleration of charged particles to auroral regions, polar oval (polar cusp). Birkeland currents. Magnetic field mapping. Geomagnetic indices. Space Weather (influence of geomagnetic field changes to life, the prediction possibility of geomagnetic events). *

5. Active experiments and diagnostic methods Active experiment classification, interaction of plasma and charged particle beams, potential of a body in space plasma and its compensation, critical ionization velocity. Diagnostic methods in the space and their limitations, calculations of plasma parameters from measurable quantities. Problems of multipoint observations.


Fundamental processes in magnetized plasma. Sun, solar wind, and interplanetary magnetic field.

Solar wind interactions with the Earth' magnetic field. Bow shock processes, magnetospheric boundaries.

Mapping of magnetospheric structures into polar regions. Inner magnetosphere.

Active experiments (survey and applications). Diagnostic methods used in space.

For postgraduate study only. Available in even years.