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Plasma Diagnostics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Probe diagnostics of plasma Basis of probe measurements. Estimation of plasma parameters from probe characteristics. Influence of charged-particles-neutral collisions on the interpretation of probe characteristic. Probe measurements in time-varying plasma. Probe measurements in magnetic field. Other types of probes for plasma diagnostics. Technical problems of probe measurements. *

2. Microwave diagnostisc of plasma Basis of microwave technique. Methods of measuring impedance and other physical quantities in microwave band of frequencies. Resonator (microwave cavity) method for estimation of plasma density and collision frequency. Microwave interferometer, principle and application. *

3. Optical plasma diagnostics Selected methods of optical plasma diagnostics (optical emission spectroscopy, optical absorption spectroscopy). Spectral and optical devices used in optical plasma diagnostics. Photographic plasma diagnostic. *

4. Corpuscular (mass-spectrometric) plasma diagnostics Types and principles of mass-spectrometers. Principles of construction of vacuum apparatus equipped with mass-spectrometer. Interpretation of mass-spectra.


Overview of plasma diagnostic methods. Optical methods (emission and absorption spectroscopy).

Technique of microwave measurements (microwave cavity method, microwave interferometer). Probe methods (Langmuir probe and their modifications, heated probe, emissive probe, rf probe, plasma oscillation probe).

Corpuscular diagnostic (mass spectrometry, detection of charged particles, ion sources). For postgraduate study only.

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