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Methods of Physics of Surfaces and Thin Films II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Review of microscopy techniques (transmission electron m. - TEM, scanning electron m. - SEM, field electron m. - FEM, field ion m. - FIM, low energy electron m. - LEEM), physical principles, modifications; characterizations of near field scanning probe microscopies (SPM).

2. Physical principle of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), modes of imaging, resolution limits, tunneling, spectroscopy of tunneling electrons; scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS); construction of STM , basic problems of SPM construction; comparison of STM and other "classical" microscopy techniques.

3. STM and related techniques: scanning tunneling potentiometry, scanning noise microscopy (SNM), ballistic electron emission microscopy (BEEM) and spectroscopy (BEES), scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM), scanning tunneling thermometer.

4. Physical principles of scanning force microscopies (SFM): atomic force microscopy (AFM), magnetic force m. (MFM), electric force m. (EFM) and imaging techniques: (a) DC contact techniques: constant force mode, constant height mode, error mode, imaging of lateral forces, spreading resistance imaging. (b) AC contact techniques: force modulation mode, contact EFM, acoustic AFM (AFAM), AFAM resonance spectroscopy. (c) semi-contact techniques: semi-contact mode, phase imaging, semi-contact error mode. (d) non-contact techniques: non-contact mode, frequency modulation mode. (e) many-pass techniques: EFM, capacitance microscopy, Kelvin probe microscopy, DC MFM, AC MFM, dissipation force microscopy. Spectroscopies: force-distance, adhesion force imaging, amplitude-distance, phase-distance, frequency-distance, full resonance spectroscopy.

5. Scanning near field optical microscopy (SNOM), physical principle. Shear Force Microscopy. Imaging modes: transmission, reflection, luminescence.


Physical principles of near field scanning probe microscopy techniques. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and related techniques.

Application, limits of resolution and imaging, comparison with other methods for surface analysis. Exclusively for postgraduate study.