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Plasma Physics and Computer Plasma Modelling I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1. Basics of computational physics

Main directions of computational physics. Mathematical and computer modelling. Fluid modelling. Molecular dynamics method. Priciples of theory of probability. Monte Carlo method.

* 2. Basics of plasma physics

Charakterisation of plasma, basic types of plasma, plasma isothermal and nonisothermal. Quasineutrality of plasma. Debye shielding.

* 3.Theoretical description of plasma

Kinetic description of plasma, Boltzmann equation, conservation laws. Magnetohydrodynamic description of plasma, generalized Ohm´s law. Connection between kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic descriptions of plasma.


Basics of computational physics. Computer modelling.

Basics of plasma physics. Theoretical description of plasma.