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Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Statistical description of many-body dynamics, random (stochastic) process. BBGKY hierarchy of evolution equations.

Quasi(classical) particle out of equilibrium -Boltzmann equation, H-theorem.

Diffusion dynamics- Langevin dynamics, Difusion equation (Ficks, Fokker-Planck), Fractals of Brownian motion, Markov process.

Anomalous statistics and diffusion- Levy skew alpha-stable distribution, Levy walks, sub- and super-diffusion.

Quantum theory of relaxation in open systems-Liouville space, projection methods, convolution and convolutionless master equations, stochastic quantum dynamics.

Kubo theory of response - Response functions. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Line-shape theory.

Gaussian processes: microscopic quantum model, cumulants.

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics- Fluctuation theorems, Jarzynski relation, linear thermodynamics.


Introduction to the theory of nonequilibrium processes for the students in fields: Biophysics and Chemical

Physics, Optics and Optoelectronics, Condensed Matter Physics or other theoretical fields.