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Quantum Theory I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


I. Formal structure of QM. Postulates. Representations. Aharon-Bohm effect.

II. Angular momentum and spin. Spin resonance. Bells theorem and EPR paradox.

III. Approximate methods to solve stationary Schroedinger equation (SE). Variational principle. Hartree-Fock theory. Motion in constant electrical and magnetic fields.

IV. Scattering theory. Phase shifts. Resonance.

V. Approximate methods to solve time dependent SE. Sudden, harmonic and adiabatic change.

VI. Semiclassical theory of interaction with the electromagnetic radiation. Calibration invariance. Absorption, emission.

VII. Dirac equation. Free particle. Pauli equation. Second order corrections.

VIII. Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Basic theory of molecular structure.


C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. Diu, F. Laloë: Quantum Mechanics I,II, J. Wiley 1977

J.J.Sakurai: Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley 1994


A comprehensive course on quantum theory suitable both for experimental and theoretical physicists. The basic knowledge at the level of introductory undergraduate course (like OFY044 at MFFUK) is assumed.

Otherwise the course is self-contained, starting with postulates and mathematical prerequisites and going on from one-body motion in a central field to the electronic structure of atoms and molecules and their interaction with electromagnetic field. Also included are theory of elastic scattering and basic knowledge of Dirac theory.