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Computational Physics and Materials Design

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


I. Overview - what can be calculated from first principles, advantages / disadvantages

II. Common formalism:

- Many body problem - DFT, correlations, various functionals

- Perturbation theory, Green's functions

- Tight-binding method (TB), open systems

- Substitutional disorder - various approximations

III. Ab initio methods, selections of the basis and potentials

- Linearization vs. Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker approach (KKR)

- Linear muffin-tin orbitals (LMTO),

- Linearized augmented plane waves (LAPW),

- Augmented spherical waves (ASW),

- Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)

- Full potential vs. spherically symmetric potential

- Pseudopotentials

IV. Applications - properties, its dependences:

- Density of states, band structure

- Total energy, equilibrium volume and lattice parameters

- Local magnetic moments, exchange interactions, spin structures, Curie temperature

- Transport: ballistic/diffusive, conductivity, spintronics, optical properties

V. Programs to be trained:

- WIEN2k ((L)APW + local orbitals)

- TB-LMTO based program


First-principles (ab initio) electronic structure calculations

- theoretical background (many-body problems, perturbation theory, Green functions, tight-binding model, open systems, substitutional disorder)

- application to predict real materials' properties (structure and density, magnetic structure, transport properties),

- ab initio methods (KKR, LCAO, LAPW, LMTO, ASW)

- handling of corresponding programs (WIEN2k, elk, TB-LMTO)

Recommended for master students or post-graduate students.