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Dielectric Properties of Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Polarization and Maxwell equation.

2. Static dielectric constant, thermodynamics of dielektric compounds.

3. External electric field and macroscopic field in dielectric.

4. Dispersion of dielectric constant and losses in dielectric.

5. Calculation of complex admitance (theory of linear response), Kramers-Kronigovy relations, fluctuation-dissipative theorem.

6. Types of polarization mechanisms.

7. Local field.

8. Electron polarization.

9. Pyroelectric phenomenon.

10. Polarization in ion crystals of NaCl type.

11. Infrared dispersion e(w).

12. Optical vibrations in electrostatic approximation.

13. Retardation effects.

14. Reflectivity and optical constants.

15. Stability of crystal lattice in relation to optical vibrations.

16. Phenomenological theory of ferroelectric phase transition.

17. Influence of disorder on dielectric properties of compounds.


Polarization. Static permitivity.

Thermodynamics of dielectrics. Theory of linear response.

Complex permitivity. Kramers-Kronig realtions.

Fluctuation-dissipative theorem. Polarization mechanisms.

Debye relaxator. Ferroelectrics and antiferrolectrics.

Ferroelectric phase transitions.