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Transport and Surface Properties of Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Principles of quantum mechanics Electrons in periodical electric field, band structure of some semiconductors, density of energy states in conduction and valence bands. Metals, semiconductors, insulators.

2. Defects in crystals Imperfections, impurities, donor and acceptors. Lattice vibrations.

3. Statistics of electrons in solids Statistic distribution functions for metals and semiconductors. Electron and hole concentration in conduction and valence band and on defect levels.

4. Kinetic theory of the transport Boltzmann transport equation and its solution. Electrical and thermal conductivity in metals and semiconductors. Hall effect, magnetoresistance.

5. Excess charge carriers Charge carriers generation and recombination. Parameters of the excess carriers - lifetime, diffusion length. Continuity and diffusion equations.

6. Photoconductivity Mechanism of recombination, kinetics of photoconductivity.

7. P-N junction and Schottky contact Energy band diagram , space-charge region, electric field and potential . Capacitance, I-V characteristics. Heterojunctions.

8. Low-dimensional structures Quantum well, superlattice, quantum wire and quantum dot. Density of states, energy levels in quantum nanostructures, interband transitions.

9. Surface of solids Surface potential, surface states, surface conductivity and capacitance. Density of the surface states.


Fundamentals of transport theory, semiconductor statistics, excess current carriers, photoelectrical properties, Schottky diode, P-N junction, low-dimensoinal structures. Surface of semiconductors, space charge region, surface states, ideal and real MIS structure and its application.