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Semiconductor Measurement Methods

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Impedance measurements Influence of parasitic values – real, effective and indicated value; survey of measurement methods; autobalancing bridge principle; ways of connection the sample; parasitic values elimination, calibration and compensation; examples of the measurements and devices.

2. Low voltage, low current and high resistance measurements Description of electrometers, ammeters and nanovoltmeters; instruments accuracy; influence of the parasitic values; shielding, guarding, triax connection, noise, drift.

3. Transport properties measurements Problems with contacts; general rules of measurements; determination of the charge carrier concentration, electrical conductivity, Hall effect, thermoelectric power, heat transport.

4. Measurement of nonequilibrium carriers lifetime Lifetime, diffusion length and surface recombination determination.

5. Parameters characterization of defects in semiconductors Terms definition; survey of experimental methods; description of capacitance methods, their advantages, practical usage.

6. Problems of noise Types of noise, source of noise; basic description; methods of noise measurements.


Sample preparation, measurement methods of conductivity and others transport phenomena, diffusion length and lifetime of charge carriers, determination of basic parameters of defects in semiconductors, capacitance, photoelectric and optical methods.