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Dislocations in Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Dislocations and phonons. Interaction between dislocations and phonons. Movement of dislocations influenced by phonons.

2. Dislocations and electrons. Influence of electrons on dislocation motion. Electron viscosity. Influence of the extrinsic electric and magnetic field on dislocation motion. Properties of dislocations in superplastic state. Influence of electric pulses on dislocation motion and its theoretical base.

3. Dislocations in ionec crystals Dislocation motion. Intersections of dislocations, jogs formation, electrical neutrality. Interaction of dislocations and colour centres.

4. Dislocations in semiconductors. Electrical properties of dislocations. Point defects originated during plastic deformation. Electron levels and dislocations. Dislocation in doped semiconductors and undopted materials. Multiplications of dislocations.

5. Magnetism and dislocations. Dislocations in ferromagnetic crystals. Dislocations and spin of electrons. Influence of magnetic field on dislocation motion. Influence of dislocation density on magnetic behaviour of materials. Magnetoelasticity and dislocations.

6. Dislocations and disclinations. Definitions and behaviour of disclinations. Energy of disclinations. Relationship between theory of disclinations and magnetoelasticity.


Relationship between dislocations and phonons. Electrons and dislocations in ionic crystals, metals and semiconductors, magnetic properties and dislocations.

Dislocations and disclinations.