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Fyzikální principy II – Elektřina, magnetismus a optika

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1. Basic concepts and laws of the electrostatic field in vacuum: Point charge, charge density. Coulomb's law.

Electrostatic field intensity, potential, energy, and density. Gauss's law, Poisson's equation, Laplace's equation. Electrostatic induction. Conductive and non-conductive body. Capacity. The interaction energy of point charges. Forces acting on a dipole. 2. Electrical current: definition, current density, continuity equation. Stationary electric field. Ohm's law, electrical resistance, and electrical conductivity. Stationary electrical circuit. Electromotive voltage, Kirchhoff's rules. Joule's law. 3. Basic concepts and laws of the magnetic field in vacuum: Magnetic induction, Ampere's law. Vector potential, Biot-Savart formula. Magnetic circuit, magnetostatic field. 4. Quasi-stationary electric and magnetic fields: Law of electromagnetic induction. Self and mutual inductance of conductors. General properties of a quasi-stationary field. Magnetic field energy density. Quasi-stationary circuit, Kirchhoff's rules. AC harmonic voltage generation, AC circuits. 5.The electrostatic and magnetic field in media: Polarization of dielectrics, bound charges. Gauss's law for electrostatic fields in dielectrics, vector of electric induction. Magnetic polarization (magnetization). Ampere's law in the materials, magnetic field intensity. Material's relations, electrical/magnetic susceptibility, permittivity, and permeability. 6. Dielectric and magnetic properties of materials: Clausius-Mossotti equation. Ferroic order, Curie and

Curie-Weiss law. Important applications. 7. Electrical transport in materials: metals, semiconductors, insulators. Validity of Ohm's law, carriers' mobility. Drude's theory, Franz-Wiedemann relation. P-n junction, transistor. Hall effect. Thermoelectric effect.

Important applications. 8. Geometrical optics: specular and diffuse reflection, refraction (Snell’s law), total internal reflection, dispersion, mirrors (mirror equation), ray-tracing, aberrations, lens design (thin lens equation, multiple lens system), apertures and stops. 9. Wave optics: plane wave (polarization, energy density), interference (standing wave, phase and group velocity, interferometers), coherence, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, image formation, resolution, space- bandwidth product, optical components, anisotropic optical medium, basics of optical and electron microscopies. 10. Resonant light-matter interaction: Planck law, Lambert-Beer law, photoelectric effect, absorption, emission (natural and stimulated), applications.

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The course Basic Principles of Physics II is the second course in the physics series of the program Science. It gives a general introduction to the concepts of electromagnetism, optics and light-matter interaction, essential for understanding complex phenomena beyond the territory of physics.

The course set the knowledge base for the laboratory course and follow-up classes on quantum mechanics, electrodynamics and special relativity. Also, it provides a guide to application of the principles and laws of electromagnetism and optics in chemistry and biology.