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Osobní rozvoj II

Předmět na Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta |

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1. Working group (group influence, group performance, group decision-making)

2. Team work, team roles and team behavior

3. Leadership - concept of leadership, leadership styles

4. Leader and his/her competences

5. Leadership influence on work motivation

6. Project management

7. Science and sustainability

8. Intelectual properties

9. Sex and gender dimensions in academia

10. Gender, socialization and moral development

11. Gender ethics in the workplace

12. Equality principles and measures

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The course focuses on topics concerning team behavior and leadership. It aims to introduce key competences necessary for efficient team cooperation as well as for leadership.

The lectures include theoretical and practical issues of team roles, motivation of human behavior, group decision-making and performance management. They implicitly include the issues of communication techniques used within internal communication in institutions.

The topics are set within the context of the academic environment. The course will be using case studies, model situations and experiential techniques.