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Practical Applications of Transmission Electron Microscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. The electrolytic preparation of foils for transmission electron microscope observation by means of device Tenupol.

2. Description and operation of the JEOL 2000 FX electron microscope, basic centering procedure.

3. The observation of the defects in the crystal structure (dislocations, stacking faults, grain boudaries, ?), the observation of the particles and their analysis, phase analysis, using the X-rays to determination of composition, diffraction patterns, Kikuchi lines.

4. Application of image analysis at exploation of electron micrographs.


Special seminar for undergraduate students of grade 4. The attendance of the seminar is required for students who intend to use electron microscope Jeol 2000 FX for their diploma thesis.

Preparation of thin foils, the operation of the electron microscope, the observation of real structures, the use of image analysis in evaluation of TEM micrographs. The tuition will be adjusted according to the particular student´s needs in the diploma thesis.