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Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1) Electron-crystal interactions Schrödinger equation and crystal potential, low angle scattering approximation, projected potential approximation, wavefunction calculation

2) Contrast transfer Impulse response and transfer function, scalar theory of diffraction - Fresnel and Fraunhofer approximation, real electron lenses and their aberrations, partial coherency of the electron beam

3) Interpretation of micrographs - simulations Software EMS : construction of a crystal model, phase object function, Fresnel propagator, image and contrast transfer, PostScript output

4) Practical conditions of HREM Crystal orientation and thickness, astigmatism and coma-free correction, size of the objective aperture

5) Sample preparation Electrolytical polishing, ion polishing, cleavage, electrochemical deposition, sputtering, evaporation, Literature : KARLÍK, M. (2001) Lattice imaging in transmission electron microscopy, Materials Structure, 8, 2001, 3-15. WILLIAMS D.B., CARTER C.B. Transmission Electron Microscopy, Plenum Press, New York,

1996. REIMER, L., Transmission Electron Microscopy, Springer-Verlag,

1989. STADELMANN, P. A., EMS - A software package for electron diffraction analysis and HREM image simulation in materials science, Ultramicroscopy 21, 1987, 131-146.


Interaction between electrons and crystal, wavefunction calculation - multislice procedure and Blochwave, theory of imaging in electron microscope, contrast transfer function, image simulation and interpretation of images with atom resolution - software EMS, experimental conditions of image acquiring with atom resolution.