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Seminar on Solving Physical Problems

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Programme: 1. Classical mechanics of mass points and theory of elasticity - the Newton laws and the Hooke law in diverse situations. 2. Phonons in solids as collective excitations - vibrations of systems of mass points, the phonon dispersion law in one-dimensional models, localized phonon modes in systems with perturbed translational invariance. 3. Statistical properties of simple systems - classical and quantum electric and magnetic dipole moments interacting with an external field, interaction of the moments in a molecular-field approximation, susceptibility, specific heat.

Literature: 1. J. Kvasnica: Mechanika (Academia, 1988). 2. C. Kittel: Úvod do fyziky pevných látek (Academia, 1985).


The seminar aims at developing the skills to use the knowledge gained during university studies.

The physical problems are chosen in order to simulate real situations; they should be solvable without complicated and lengthy mathematical procedures. In English.