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Radiofrequency Spectroscopy of Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1.Basic principles

Phenomenological description of solid in electromagnetic field, theory of linear response, quantum mechanical and classical treatment, steady state and pulse excitation.

* 2.Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

Nuclear dipolar coupling, high resolution in solids, magnetic interaction of nuclei and electrons, electric quadrupole interaction in the NMR spectra, characteristic of NMR spectra in the basic types of solids.

* 3.Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR)

Axial symetric electric field gradient, influence of the external magnetic field, characteristic of NQR spectra in the basic types of solids.

* 4.Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)

Transitiv (3d) ion in the crystal field, EPR spectra parmeters (transitiv ions, conduction electrons).

* 4.Electron resonance in magnetic ordered solids

Basic principles of ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic resonance, measurements of g-factor and magnetic crystal anizotropie, spin vave resonance, measurement of the exchange interaction constant.

* 5.Cyclotron resonance

Measurement of the effectiv mass tensor in semicoductors, cycloctron resonance in metals.

* 6.Double resonance

Dynamical polarisation, Overhauser effect, ENDOR, application in semiconductors and metals, paramagnetic impurity, solid effect.


Introduction to the radio frequency spectroscopy of solids, NMR, NQR and EPR technique.