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Selected Topics on Magnetic Resonance Theory and Methodology

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Introduction. Nuclear spin in a static magnetic field. Radiofrequency field. Basic interactions. Spin Hamiltonian. NMR. NQR. Qantum description.

2. Pulse techniques of experiment.

3. NMR in liquids. 1D, 2D pulsesequences, applications.

4. NMR in solids, high resolution methods. Averaging in coordinate and spin space.

5. NMR and NQR in metals. Study of lattice structure and defects. Relaxations and Knight shift.

6. NMR and NQR in magnetics. Study of crystal and magnetic structure. Influence of defects.


Selected parts of the NMR and NQR spectroscopy in solids. Application of NMR for the study of crystal lattice defects and electron and magnetic structure of solids.