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Moessbauer Spectroscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Introduction. Nuclear moments - magnetic and elektric. Nuclear transitions, conservation laws, selection rules. *

2. Substance of Mössbauer effect. Recoil-less resonance absorption and emission of gamma-radiation. Excitation and deexcitation of the nucleus. *

3. Hyperfine interactions and line intensities. Isomer shift. Quadrupole splitting. Nuclear Zeeman splitting. *

4. Experimental techniques. Radiation sources (in particular for 57Fe study). Detectors. Velocity and amplitude spectrum. *

5. Spectra processing. Decomposition into components ("stripping"), fitting. Spectrum parameters. Magnetically disordered and ordered materials.


Introductory course on Mössbauer spectroscopy in solid state physics, suitable for the students of the master's degree study.