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Nuclear Spectroscopy Methods in Hyperfine Interaction Studies

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1. The interactions of atomic nuclei with the external electric and magnetic fields.

The electrostatic interaction. The magnetic interaction. Magnetic hyperfine fields in solids.

* 2. Angular distributions and angular correlations of nuclear radiation.

The theoretical description of an ensemble of oriented nuclei. Methods of obtaining ensembles of oriented nuclei. Angular distributions of the radiation emitted by oriented nuclei. The perturbed angular distributions and angular correlations. The nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented radioactive nuclei.

* 3. Experimental methods.

The static and dynamic nuclear orientation. Obtaining of the low temperatures and thermometry in region 10 - 100 mK. The low temperature nuclear orientation. The measurements of the perturbed angular correlations of nuclear radiation.

* References

W.D. Hamilton (editor), The Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclear Spectroscopy, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975.


Basic information on hyperfine interactions. The methods of nuclear orientation and angular correlations of nuclear radiation.

Use of these methods in nuclear and solid state physics. Comparison with the other methods of studies of hyperfine interactions.

Recommended for the 1st and 2nd year in courses of physics, teaching, and for doctoral studies.