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Introduction to High Temperature Superconductor Physics

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* I. Introduction

History of superconductivity. Discovery of high temperature superconductors. Record critical temperature, Importance of high temperature superconductivity.

* II. Materials.

Overview of high Tc materials. Structure. Basic properties. Thin films and monocrystals growing. .

* III. Theoretical models - BCS.

Bardeen, Cooper, Schriefer (BCS) theory. Basic parameters. Limiting cases. Symmetry of the order parameter. Comparison of high temperature and low temperature superconductors. Alternative paring mechanisms. The problem to explain high critical temperature.

* IV. non BCS theoretical models.

Marginal Fermiho liquid, t-J model, bipolaron model.

* V. Physical properties.

Transport properties - conductivity, Hall voltage. Magnetic properties. Tunellling. Infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Energy gap determination.

* VI. Vortices

Basic concepts. Vortex lattice. Vortex dynamics. Phase diagrams Importance for application.

* VII. Application - current stage and the outlook.

Superconducting solenoids. SQUID and its application. Bolometers. Computer components


Physical properties of high temperature superconductors, relevant theoretical models, superconducting materials, vortices, vortex properties, vortex dynamics.

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