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Electron Microscopy

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Wave-mechanical formulation of fast electrons in a periodic potential, Born approximation, extinction distance, the intensity of diffracted beam, amplitude diffracted by a distorted crystal.

2. Dynamical theory of diffraction, wave-optical and wave-mechanical formulation, equivalence of the two formulations of the dynamical theory, symmetry of the Bloch waves, phenomenological treatment of normal and anomalous absorption, introduction to the many-beam theory of diffraction, systematic reflections.

3. The matrix formulation of electron diffraction theory and the treatment of the many-beam effects, general matrix formulation of many-beam theory for imperfect crystals, contrast at planar faults, stacking faults, antiphase boundaries, antiphase, and phase boundaries, dislocation contrast, Takagi's equations, dislocation contrast in real crystals, contrast on particles and precipitates.

4. Phase contrast, transfer function in electron microscopy, Scherzer focus, simulations of lattice images, multislice and Bloch wave method.

5. Selected area diffraction and microdiffraction, CBED, ZOLZ and HOLZ in CBED, determination of specimen thickness and extinction depth from CBED.

6. Analytical electron microscopy, EDS, EELS. Introduction to scanning transmission electron microscopy.


Kinematical and dynamic theory of high energy electron diffraction, dynamic contrast theory of lattice defects. Fundamentals of high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM) and convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED).