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Physical Metallurgy of Wrought Aluminium Alloys

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1) Constitution of Al alloys Types of systems, Liquid and solid solubility of elements in Al, Intermetallic phases, Equilibrium and rapid solidification, Major alloy systems, Low-level alloy systems

2) Microstructure of Al alloys Light microscopy of wrought alloys, quantitative metallography, scanning electron microscopy and microanalysis

3) Work hardening, recovery and recrystallisation Structural changes and mechanical properties due to working and forming operations, Temper designations for Strain-hardened alloys, Structural changes during annealing - recovery and recrystallysation, Textures - general information about rolling and recrystallysation texture in Al alloys, Deformation localisation - slip bands

4) Metallurgy of heat treatment Heat-treatable and non-heat treatable alloys, Temper designations, Precipitation in specific alloy systems, Homogenising, dendritic segregation, Solution annealing, Natural and Artificial Ageing, Softening annealing

5) Corrosion behaviour of Al alloys Uniform and localised corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, intergranullar corrosion, stress-corrosion cracking

6) Properties of commercial wrought alloys Alloy and temper designations, non-heat treatable alloys, heat-treatable alloys.


Constitution of Al alloys; Microstructure of Al alloys; Fundamentals of work hardening, recovery and recrystallisation of Al alloys; Metallurgy of heat treatment; General principles of corrosion behaviour; Properties of commercial wrought alloys.