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Quantum Theory II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


I. Many body problem in quantum theory

Hartree-Fock approximation, density functional theory.

II. Introduction to quantum chemistry

Adiabatic approximation, electronic, vibrational and rotational states of molecules, chemical bonding.

III. Extended systems

Bulk and surface properties, tight binding model and electron gas, Bloch theorem, impurity levels, correlation problem.

IV. Second quantization

Anihilation and creation operators, quantization of electromagnetic field.

V. Basics of relativistic electron theory

Dirac equation, corrections of (v/c)2 order.


A thorough two term course on quantum theory for students of both experimental and theoretical physics. It starts with the formal structure of QT and then builds up the standard techniques (perturbation theory stacionary and time dependent, variational principle, second quantisation, etc) to study the scattering theory, energy states in atoms and molecules, interactions of these systems with static fields and radiation.

Dirac equation stands as an introduction to the relativistic QT.