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Structure of Matter and Structure Analysis

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


I. Crystal structure and symmetry.

1. History of crystallography and structure analysis. Translation periodicity of crystals. Notation of crystallographic directions and planes, elementary cells. Transformations of axes and plane indices. Matrix notation of symmetry operations. Stereographic projections. Groups, multiplication tables. Point groups. Hermann-Mauguin symbols. Bravais lattices.

2. Crystallographic systems. Plane lattice and plane groups.

3. Space groups. Equivalent positions. Wyckoff notation. International tables of crystallography.

4. Crystal shape. Chemical bonding. Chemical crystallogrpahy. Structure types. Examples of basic structure types. Crystallographic databases and software for crystal structure visualization.

5. Influence of crystal symmetry on properties of compounds. Tensors and anisotropy of macroscopic properties. Neumann principle. Voigt principle. Curie principle. II. Diffraction theory.

1. Geometric principles of diffraction. Reciprocal lattice. Laue conditions. Ewald construction.

2. Interaction of X-rays with matter. Absorption of radiation in material. Plane and spherical wave. Thomson and Compton scattering. Scattering on atom and ensamble of atoms. Atomic scattering factor, anomalous dispersion and absorption. Introduction of structure factor. Electron density and Fourier transformation. Basic atributes of diffraction peaks (position, intensity, width, shape) in kinematic theory of diffraction.

3. Static and dynamic displacements, temperature factor. Coherence length of photon. Crystals of finite dimensions.

4. Dynamic theory of diffraction. Wave equation for periodic medium. Single wave and two wave approximation. Some experimental effects - Pendellösung, Borrmann effect. Wave field in the diffracting crystal.

5. Comparison of scattering by X-rays, neutrons and electrons.


Crystal structure and symmetry - history of crystallography, point, plane and space groups, cells, symmetry operations, crystal shapes, chemical crystallography, structure databases, structure visualization, physical crystallography.

Diffraction theory - geometrical principles, reciprocal lattice, interaction of radiation with matter, scattering on electron, atom and ensemble of atoms, atomic scattering factor, anomalous scattering, structure factor, temperature factor, dynamic theory of diffraction, wave equation for periodic medium. Comparison of electron, neutron and X-ray scattering.