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Experimental Methods of Condensed Systems Physics II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Selected spectroscopic methods

Dielektric spectroscopy.

Dynamic-mechanical spectroscopy.

Structure and phase composition of thin films.

Mechanical properties.

Deformation experiment and acoustic emission.

Thermal and magnetic properties.

Thermal expansion, specific heats. Magnetization

DSC, phase transitions

Classification of phase transitions in solids

Electrical and photoelectrical properties

Photoconductivity. Solar cells.

Transport properties

Low temperatures, superconductivity, superfluidity

Methods of reaching and measurement of low temperatures. Properties of cryogenic liquids.

Fundamentals of cryotechnics. Influence of low temperatures on physical properties of solids. Superconductivity and superfluidity.


Experimental methods of study of mechanical, electrical, magnetical and optical properties of condensed matter. Mechanical tests, acoustic emission.

Dielectrick spectroscopy, dynamical-mechanical spectroscopy. Thermal and magnetic properties of solids, thermal expansion and specific heats.

Phase transitions in solids, thermal capacity form DSC. Electric and photoelectric properties - transport phenomena, photoconductivity.

Methods for obtaining low temperatures, properties of cryogenic liquids.