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Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation in Magnetic Materials

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


FPL0154 Scattering of thermal neutrons Neutrons and their properties, stationar, and pulse neutron sources - large facilities (ILL, ISIS), polarized neutrons. Interactions of neutrons with magnetic matter, basic principles of experimental methods, instrumentation, data analysis and interpretation (diffarction methods, critical and difuse scattering, small-angle scattering, inelastic and quasielastic scattering), neutron optics and topography.

Synchrotron radiation Basics of the synchrotron radiation and its interactions with the magnetic matter, comparison to the neutron scattering, large facilities (ESRF). The principles of experimental methods, interpretation of experimental data (resonance magnetic scattering, dichroism), detection, optics.


Basics of the neutron and synchrotron radiation, interactions with the magnetic matter , experimental methods. The applications will be demonstrated on experiments performed in top neutron and synchrotron facilities (ILL, ESRF, ISIS).