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Experimental Study of Real Structure of Solids

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Study of real structure of the matter by X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

Kinematic theory of diffraction by real crystals and classification of lattice defects.

Elements of electron diffraction. Classification of stresses and their determination. Textures.

Study of crystallite size, shape and distribution.

Grain boundaries - small-angle, high-angle, twinned. Fracture surfaces. Grain misorientation.

Lattice defects - dislocation - density, Burgers vector, type, stacking faults, antiphase boundaries.

Point defects and precipitates.


Study of real structure of the matter by X-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

Kinematic theory of diffraction by real crystals and classification of lattice defects.

Elements of electron diffraction. Classification of stresses and their determination. Textures.

Study of crystallite size, shape and distribution.

Grain boundaries - small-angle, high-angle, twinned. Fracture surfaces. Grain misorientation.

Lattice defects - dislocation - density, Burgers vector, type, stacking faults, antiphase boundaries.

Point defects and precipitates.